But seriously speaking, teachers really adopt a lot from their pupils over the years of work. A good teacher is an open, creative person with a non-standard view of the world. Rest and fun for him is not only an opportunity to relax, communicate with colleagues, but also a good reason at least for a couple of hours «change the field of activity», show an unusual talent or immerse himself in an atmosphere of humor, which, alas, is not always appropriate during working hours.
Teachers' corporate parties should be just such . The scenario for such a holiday is a whole «ensemble», implying an intelligent, but, at the same time, cheerful approach to the organization of a creative, interesting and memorable event. The usual for many professions scenarios of corporate parties – «funny». Teachers, true, such a «banally funny» option may not please at all.
Proper preparation in this case should be based on the choice of the original concept. It is better to think in advance how detailed (from the point of view of building a «plot») such a corporate will be. At school, the scenario of the holiday may differ significantly from what the organizers of the event will choose in a cafe, concert hall or in nature.
We, in turn, offer three ideas for a non-standard corporate party, which can be implemented directly within the walls of a native educational institution.
Teacher corporate party. Scenario «Theatrical Evening»
A holiday of unstollable creativity. Such ideas are especially liked by friendly teams, where all like-minded people are sure that it is the creative scripts of corporate parties – «funny». Teachers should not be loaded with the preparation of amateur scenes, which have long been full – you need to do everything much smarter and more modern:
1 Think about where you can improvise. Offer to sing an original «cover» to a familiar song or replay your favorite scenes from famous movies. Set everything up so that a person can go on stage unprepared and instantly prove himself.
2 Look for «unconditional talents». Surely one of the teachers passionately performs Russian romances or tells jokes (at least roll on the floor later) - such nuggets can be released without special training.
3 Don't do without humor. It is not necessary to arrange a school «Comedies», but it will be great if someone prepares funny sketches or dialogues in advance, which can be played without much difficulty.
Short scenes – «vaudevillas», unprepared reprises and pranks look organic. Turn a corporate party into a real cabbage soup!
«Corporate parody»
It's quite a complicated idea to implement, but such corporate party scenarios are «cool». Teachers will actually change places for one evening. If everything is done correctly, you will get a small «buffonade» with elements of lyrics and irony.A little preparation will be required. Teachers can secretly be given brochures with the names of colleagues they will parody. Enter there several tasks related to the disclosure of the image of this person, for simplicity, make a list of characteristic phrases.
Don't get into a special comedy. Let everything be intelligent enough, or better - in a good way. Think about who is all right with a sense of humor – such people can be safely parodied ironically, more modest and clamped – on the contrary, it is better to «expose» from the position of demonstrating virtues and achievements.
Make it into one small concert - you will get a holiday that will be remembered for many years. It will be great if a psychologist or a professional actor-parodyist is present at the holiday, who will conduct an unobtrusive master class and help teachers with their roles.
Teacher corporate party. Script «Quest»
We are ready to bet that many teachers have not yet had a chance to play quests popular with young people, a la «let the room» or «find a hidden object». There's just no time for that.You will definitely not be mistaken, if you arrange an original corporate quest «School» for teachers, the script for which you will come up with yourself and develop it taking into account all the features of your institution. No prepared «quest room» will be better than atmospheric corridors, offices or even technical rooms (basements) of a school where there are no children.
But you don't have to cook something scary. An interesting option – «The story of the hidden magazine 7B»: the boy Petya Ivanov kidnapped the magazine so that his twos would not open, and responsible teachers will now have to find it according to the clues left by the heartbroken excellent student Anya Petrova. Do not hesitate – it will be very difficult to return teachers to plates and glasses.
In general, choose for yourself. And our three concepts prove only one thing: school - an excellent place for a teacher corporate party. Especially if you don't just set the tables in the assembly hall, but approach the holiday creatively.
Author: Sergey Zhuliev
Photo: Firestock
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